OK, I've discovered the lost messages, but I'm still slightly confused
as to why they ended up there.  The messages were being delivered to
the local machine, box1.domain.com, even though I was addressing them
to <user>@domain.com.

The address is irrelevant with SMTP. What matters is what server you connect to, and how it is configured to handle the envelope you give it.

Mail forwarders ought to query a DNS for the "MX"
record (on Linux, "dig domain.com mx" for that info)
and forward the mail to one of the specified mail
exchangers for that domain, regardless of what
server you actually connected to for the initial

Not sure this is relevant in your case, but it seems
a likely candidate, since smtplib.py does not (and
should not) be looking up MX records for you, as far
as I know, while the "mail" utility might.


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