On Mar 11, 4:15 pm, Oltmans <rolf.oltm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all. I'm trying to use Mechanize in a multithreaded program--
> purpose of which is to fill out a form on a website using concurrent
> threads. Guys, trust me I've spent a lot of time to figure out the
> problem but I'm completed puzzled. Firstly, I've listed the errors and
> then the program listing (with imports omitted)
> Error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python25\lib\threading.py", line 460, in __bootstrap
>     self.run()
>   File "tmechanize.py", line 21, in run
>     with lock:
> NameError: global name 'lock' is not defined

Time for the obvious question - where do you define "lock"? If you're
trying to put a mutex around your increment, you need a lock pre-
defined to use it. So, you'll need to add something like "lock = Lock
()" near the top, with a "global lock" before you try using it in your
with statement.

If you try using Lock() directly in the thread, you'll create a new
lock per thread, thus defeating the purpose of trying to lock in the
first place.


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