Il Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:05:16 -0700, Chris Rebert ha scritto:

> On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 4:54 PM, gervaz <> wrote:
>> On Mar 16, 12:38 am, Graham Breed <> wrote:
>>> mattia wrote:
>>> > I'm using urlopen in order to download some web pages. I've always
>>> > to replace some characters that are in the url, so I've come up
>>> > with: url.replace("|", "%7C").replace("/", "%2F").replace(" ",
>>> > "+").replace (":", "%3A")
>>> > There isn't a better way of doing this?
>>> Yeah, shame there's no function -- called "urlencode" say -- that does
>>> it all for you.
>>>                        Graham
>> Sorry, but using Python 2.6 and urlencode I've got this error:
>> TypeError: not a valid non-string sequence or mapping object What I was
>> looking for (found in Python3) is: from urllib.parse import quote
>> urlopen(quote(url)).read()
>> but seems there is nothing similar in py2.6
> (*cough*) [Python v2.6.1 documentation] urllib.quote() -
> (*cough*)
> - Chris

Ouch! It's time for me to go to sleep ;-) Thanks.

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