I've recently upgraded to python 2.6 and I'm having trouble building an
executable using the new Pytz package. The relevant section of setup.py is
below.  This was working under python 2.5 using an ancient version of pytz



    console = [dict(script = my_script.py')],

    options = dict(

        py2exe = dict(

            packages = ['pytz', 'pyodbc', 'decimal', 'sqlalchemy'],

            typelibs=[('{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 0, 1, 4)],




When I try to run the resulting executable, I get:

pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: 'US/Central'


I noticed that the old version of pytz I was using compiled each timezone
into a .pyc, and these would be included in the resulting library.zip for my
programs. When I build against the new pytz, these files are no longer
getting compiled to .pyc. Instead, when I check the pytz directory in
library.zip, I see these files:






It appears that the zoneinfo directory is missing. I have tried pasting this
in manually with no luck. Any ideas?



Jeff Peck





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