
I try to test web aplication with using of modul Pamie and I have next problem,
when I edit any textbox or textarea and consequently press the button which 
works the data
in this textbox, so this textbox returns into the state before editing,

fof example:
Let I have 3 textboxes: box1, box2 and result
       and 1 button: count, which fill sum of box1 and box2 in the textbox 
after using textBoxSet('box1','10') and textBoxSet('box2','10') is in both 
textboxes number 10,
but using buttonClick('count') delete number 10 in box1 and box2 and both 
return to the state before editing (empty),

here is my code:
from cPAMIE import PAMIE

ie = PAMIE()


I tried it also without Pamie, but the result is the same:
from win32com.client import DispatchEx

ie = DispatchEx('InternetExplorer.Application')
ie.visible = 1
el = ie.document.getElementsByTagName('input')
while (el[i].getAttribute('Name') <> "att$text_TBNname"):
el[i].value = 'name'

while (el[j].getAttribute('Name') <> "att$copyTBProxy2A"):
application is ok, because
when I make it manual, so it works OK,

can somebody help me, what I make wrong,

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