On Mar 19, 11:43 pm, "Mr. Z" <no...@xspambellsouth.net> wrote:
> I'm trying emulate a printf() c statement that does, for example
> char* name="Chris";
> int age=30;
> printf("My name is %s", name);
> printf("My name is %s and I am %d years old.", %s, %d);
> In other words, printf() has a variable arguement list the we
> all know.
> I'm trying to do this in Python...

| >>> def printf(fmt, *args):
| ...    import sys
| ...    sys.stdout.write(fmt % args)
| ...
| >>> printf("It's a %s %s parrot\n", 'Norwegian', 'blue')
| It's a Norwegian blue parrot
| >>>


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