On Mar 19, 2:02 am, Shah Sultan Alam <ssa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
>  I am using following code to create a graph
> def plot_plot():
>   ax = pylab.subplot(111)
>         for count in range(len(yaxes_values)):
>                 pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.13, bottom=0.21,
> right=0.90, top=0.90,wspace=0.20, hspace=0.20)
> ax.plot_date(id_dates,yaxes_values[count],fmt='o-',label=titleList[count])
>                 pylab.xlabel('Time Stamp')
>                 pylab.ylabel('Values')
> ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MinuteLocator(interval=Interval))
>                 ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
>                 labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
>                 pylab.setp(labels, rotation=90, fontsize=8)
>                 ax.set_title(choice)
>         pylab.grid()
>         font= FontProperties(size='x-small');
>         pylab.legend(loc=0, prop=font)
> each time I am re-initilliziing the "titleList" before calling the
> plot_plot , This works fine for one graph,
> But if I call it more then once the label keep appending ..
> How to get rid of this ?
> Regds
> Shah Alam

Just a random thought, though I don't have experience with the module
pylab and the function titleList, it sounds like you need to
initialize the titleList inside the same plot_plot() function, rather
than from outside.  I would say try:
>                 pylab.xlabel('Time Stamp')
>                 pylab.ylabel('Values')
>titleList[count]=''  #or [] if it is a multivalued variable.

Hope it helps,

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