I do have a standard install of Python as well as Plone.  Can you have two?
I have run the mxInstaller for both instances .... however, whether I run
the ide from my standard install or my plone install the pythonpath is the
same (ie c:\...\plone 2\python).  My machine registry now has the python
entries all pointing at plone.

Sorry to trouble you like this but do you know how I can get myself out of
this mess?



                      Simon Brunning                                            
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       Graham <[EMAIL 
                      mail.com>                cc:       python-list@python.org 
                                               Subject:  Re: MS SQL Server/ODBC 
package for Python                                     
                      15/04/2005 14:21                                          
                      Please respond to                                         
                       :3 Kb                                                    

On 4/15/05, Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Simon
> I have just installed mxODBC and tried one of their samples.
> Am getting an error on trying to import mx.ODBC
>     ImportError: No module named mx.ODBC
> After the install the mx folder has been place in my C:\Program
> 2\Python\lib\site-packages folder however when I browse the PythonPath
> look under Standard Python Library I can't see mx.

Hmmm. Have you got more than one instance of Python installed? Do you
have a 'standard' installation in addition to Plone's? If so, perhaps
mxODBC has been installed for the wrong one.

Simon B,


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