On Mar 20, 2:02 pm, prueba...@latinmail.com wrote:
> On Mar 19, 10:21 pm, Esmail <ebo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm new to writing Python code. This is a simple client I wrote, it
> > works, but I feel it doesn't look as clean as it could. Can anyone
> > make suggestions how to streamline this code?
> > Also, I am using two nested functions, it seems that nested functions
> > aren't used that much in Python - is that correct? And if so, how
> > come?
> > thanks,
> > Esmail
> > ps: I realize there is minimal error checking/exception handling.
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > import sys
> > from socket import *
> > from threading import Thread
> > class Client(object):
> >     def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=5555, name = "esmail"):
> >         self._host = host
> >         self._port = port
> >         self._name = name
> >         self._address=(self._host, self._port)
> >         self._sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
> >         self._sock.connect(self._address)
> >         self._parent = self
> >         self._keepGoing = True
> >     def info(self):
> >         return self._host, self._port, self._name
> >     class Listener(Thread):
> >        def __init__(self, parent, tname="listener"):
> >            Thread.__init__(self,name = tname)
> >            self._parent = parent
> >            print self._parent._host
> >        def run(self):
> >            while self._parent._keepGoing:
> >                m = self._parent._sock.recvfrom(1024)
> >                print m[0]
> >     class Speaker(Thread):
> >        def __init__(self, parent, tname = "speaker"):
> >            Thread.__init__(self,name = tname)
> >            self._parent = parent
> >            self._parent._sock.send(self._parent._name + "\n")
> >        def run(self):
> >            while(True):
> >                m = raw_input("-> ")
> >                if m == "bye":
> >                    self._parent._sock.send(self._parent._name + " is
> > signing off.\n")
> >                    self._parent._sock.send("bye\n")
> >                    self._parent._keepGoing = False
> >                    break;
> >                else:
> >                    self._parent._sock.send(m + "\n")
> > def main():
> >     if len(sys.argv) == 4:  # prog name + 3 args
> >         host = sys.argv[1]
> >         port = int(sys.argv[2])
> >         name = sys.argv[3]
> >         c = Client(host, port, name)
> >     else:
> >         c = Client()
> >     print "Client connecting to - host=%s  port=%d   name=%s" % c.info
> > ()
> >     s = Client.Speaker(c)
> >     s.start()
> >     l = Client.Listener(c)
> >     l.start()
> > main()
> How about renaming the Client to SocketConfig, Listener to
> ClientListener and Speaker to ClientSpeaker and put all at the same
> level. The you can do this:
>  c = SocketConfig(host, port, name)
>  s = ClientSpeaker(c)
>  l = ClientListener(c)
> the other option would be to create a Speaker and Listener factory in
> Client that returns Speakers and Listeners so you can do:
> c = Client(host, port, name)
> s = c.Speaker()
> l = c.Listener()

Ah .. I like both .. will probably do the first one (easier) but
keep the 2nd one in mind. Thanks!!


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