> It is neither constructive nor educational.
> It's a bit like saying "If you don't know what a function is, then
> maybe you don't need it. ... have you tried having a single block of
> code?"
> The point of people coming to these forums is to LEARN and share
> knowledge. Perhaps it's not the best solution for me right now but
> without trying it I won't know when or how to apply it as a solution.
> By the way, my project has about 50 files (modules) in it with a lot
> of shared code that could be used across other projects... seems as
> good a reason as any to try packages out ;-)

I don't agree. My answer can be wrong for your situation, but I can't
know much about you from the start, and for most people my answer was
the right one.

When a student asks me how to improve his/her usage of metaclasses I
usually answer that metaclasses aren't required to solve that small

Generally in engineering the simplest solution is the one you have to
try first (and often second and third), and only later, if practical
experience shows the simple solution doesn't work, you try a more
complex solution.

So I have suggested you a simple solution by "default". If later you
see that you have many modules and you really need packages, then it's
easy to ignore my first answer.


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