On Mar 21, 11:06 pm, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> Floris Bruynooghe <floris.bruynoo...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Had a quick look at the PEP and it looks very nice IMHO.
> Thank you. I hope you can try the implementation and report feedback
> on that too.
> > One of the things that might be interesting is keeping file
> > descriptors from the logging module open by default.
> Hmm. I see that this would be a good idea. but it raises the question
> of how to manage the set of file handles that should not be closed on
> becoming a daemon.
> So far, the logic of closing the file descriptors is a little complex:
>     * Close all open file descriptors. This excludes those listed in
>       the `files_preserve` attribute, and those that correspond to the
>       `stdin`, `stdout`, or `stderr` attributes.
> Extending that by saying “… and also any file descriptors for
> ``logging.FileHandler`` objects” starts to make the description too
> complex. I have a strong instinct that it the description is complex,
> the design might be bad.
> Can you suggest an alternative API that will ensure that all file
> descriptors get closed *except* those that should not be closed?

Not an answer yet, but I'll try to find time in the next few days to
play with this and tell you what I think.  logging.FileHandler would
be too narrow in any case I think.


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