To avoid namespace confliction with other Python packages, I want all my projects to be put into a specific namespace, e.g. 'hongqn' package, so that I can use "from hongqn.proj1 import module1", "from hongqn.proj2.subpack1 import module2", etc.

These projects are developed and maintained and distributed seperately, so I should not make a whole 'hongqn' package with one  I must write scripts for each project.  I meet a problem here.

For instance, I am writing script for proj1. I use the following parameters when calling distutils.core.setup:

    package_dir = {'hongqn.proj1': 'proj1'},
    packages = ['hongqn.proj1'],

"python install" will create /usr/lib/python2.3/hongqn/proj1 directory and copy proj1/*.py there.  But this is UNUSABLE!  There is NO file under /usr/lib/python2.3/hongqn/ so that import hongqn.proj1 will fail!

I am considering manually create this by hacking the install_lib command.  But before making my hands dirty,  I want to know if there is an "official" solution exists or others have already success stories on this matter.

As a note, I wish the solution can handle bdist and bdist_wininst well.

Qiangning Hong
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