En Tue, 24 Mar 2009 17:56:26 -0300, vikram moule <shivic...@gmail.com> escribió:

Q1. I want to access a database and just by pressing the first alphabet will showup a dropdown list of all the words starting from that alphabet how can
I do that ?
( I know how to access the database but the further problem is unsolved

Populate the dropdownlist with results from a query like this: "SELECT XXX FROM YYY WHERE XXX LIKE 'A%'"
(all rows where XXX starts with A).
You'll have to provide more info if you want more details (Which database? Which adapter? Is it a console application, a GUI application, a web one? Which toolkit/framework?)

Q2. How can I print a document for example bill or prescription through a
printer or network printer (both) using python ?

If you tell us how would you do that without Python, maybe someone suggests how to do the same thing with Python.

Gabriel Genellina


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