just make sure it stays out of the hands of IT managers.

Quoting Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com>:


For those of you that
- want to surf on the edge of Web technology without understanding it,
- desire to be considered as a software guru,
- are forced to write technical documents that nobody will read.
- want to laugh a bit,

I have written a "Bullshit Generator" script in Python (see below). It
generates English sentences at random, talking about leading-edge Web-based
technologies. For example it can produce simple sentences like

"The interface subscriber manages the web-based online ontology."

or more complex, like

"Generally speaking, the architecture is collected by the client from the
encapsulation related to the artifact that retrieves the data in the UDDI
where the integration enabled by the issuer delivers a Portal technology
responsible for an XML operation."

The algorithm is based on a simplified English grammar, fed with hard-coded
lists of (buzz)words. The sentence structure is selected by choosing
randomly among a set of weighted rules, i.e. some rules are more likely to
be used than others. The sentences are oriented to hype Web technologies but
you can easily switch to your preferred domain, simply by changing the list
of words.

For Windows XP/Vista users: if you have installed the win32com package
(delivered with PythonWin), you should hear the sentences pronounced by
synthesized speech.

You should really post this on a blog somewhere. Instant slashdot!

Dotan Cohen



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