On Apr 2, 3:14 pm, grocery_stocker <cdal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Give the following code..
> >>> class it:
> ...    def __init__(self):
> ...        self.count = -1
> ...    def next(self):
> ...        self.count +=1
> ...        if self.count < 4:
> ...            return self.count
> ...        else:
> ...            raise StopIteration
> ...>>> def some_func():
> ...     return it()
> ...>>> iterator = some_func()
> >>> iterator
> <__main__.it instance at 0xb7f482ac>>>> some_func
> <function some_func at 0xb7f45e64>>>> some_func()
> <__main__.it instance at 0xb7f4862c>
> How come when I call some_func().next(), the counter doesn't get
> incremented?>>> some_func().next()
> 0
> >>> some_func().next()
> 0
> >>> some_func().next()
> 0
> But when I call iterator.next(), it does.
> >>> iterator.next()
> 0
> >>> iterator.next()
> 1
> >>> iterator.next()
> 2
> >>> iterator.next()
> 3


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