John Posner wrote:
Inspired by recent threads (and recalling my first message to Python
edu-sig), I did some Internet searching on producing prime numbers using
Python generators. Most algorithms I found don't go for the infinite,
contenting themselves with "list all the primes below a given number".

Here's a very Pythonic (IMHO) implementation that keeps going and going and
going ...:

from itertools import count
from math import sqrt

def prime_gen():
    Generate all prime numbers
    primes = []
    for n in count(2):
        if all(n%p for p in primes if p < sqrt(n)):
            yield n

The use of all() is particularly nifty (see And so is the way in which the
list comprehension easily incorporates the sqrt(n) optimization.

Question: Is there a way to implement this algorithm using generator
expressions only -- no "yield" statements allowed?

No. You refer to the list being build in the code for building the list (very cute), which requires that the list be bound to a name at the start of the process rather than just when complete (which is never ;-).



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