> For more info, see the slides from my thread > tutorial:http://pythoncraft.com/OSCON2001/ > -- > Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/ > Aahz, thanks for this reference and link to your presentation. At the risk of highjacking the OP's question, I am bit confused as to how using an Event would cause a deadlock. You presentation outlines Events, but doesn't elaborate on the specifics or usage.
In threading.Event python 2.5 docs say; "This is one of the simplest mechanisms for communication between threads: one thread signals an event and other threads wait for it. " Again, I have limited experience, however, in my reading of the threading manual and review examples, Events were specifically design to be a thread safe way to communicate a 'state' to running threads ? In the OP's example 'do stuff' was open to wide interpretation, however, if within the thread's main 'while' loop the tread checks to see if the 'keepgoing' Event.isSet(), in what scenario would this create deadlock ? Thanks for your patience. I thought I had grasped the basics of using threads/threading, so hope I can learn more. g. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list