On Apr 5, 9:48 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Apr 2009 10:14:08 -0700 (PDT), azrael <jura.gro...@gmail.com>
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
> > DB saving, and anotherone for statistics and other stuff because it is
> > very important to save the signal which comes every second. if the
> > statistics generation can use the rest of the time, then it should be
> > done.
>         In computer terms, 1 second is a very long time.
>         If the source of the data is that regular (give or take a quarter
> second) I'd probably code a repeating timed event with a 0.25s repeat
> interval.
>         <event triggers>
>                 check serial port for data packet (been a long time, does
> pySerial buffer stuff for one? how long are these packets, and are they
> identified by a line end character or pure binary?).
>                 if packet received:
>                         process it
>         As long as the event process takes less than 0.25s when a packet is
> received (the empty packet case should be practically instantaneous:
> test/return) you should get back to other GUI events in time for screen
> updates, and without running into the start of the next timed check.
> (The simplistic route would be to just schedule the next check 0.25s
> from when the previous one returned, but that leads to creeping time
> quantums. More complex is to compute    next = 0.25 -
> time-spent-processing           assuming the GUI library does not
> incorporate a static timed repeat call.)
>         If going thread-based, the thread would contain no GUI related code
> (it seems easier to make the GUI the main program, and shove non-UI work
> into threads). The thread would basically loop
>         wait for packet [blocking I/O, not polling loop]
>         compute updates statistics
>         do database update
>         Now, how to get the statistics to the display? You either need some
> GUI event (timed again) which reads the statistics values from
> <somewhere> [global structure, from a queue with the thread PUT the
> updates, etc.] and formats the display update. Or, again, some event
> that can be triggered asynchronously (the timer is a synchronous update
> -- you've said "every xxx update the status portion of the display") so
> that the status portion is only updated when the data is changed.

That's what I meant but was not sure. I guess that I will be
callculating the remaining time using decorators. this should give an
elegant way.
The part about the threads looks like the right thing I needed. Today
I will be seing the serial port device so to play a bit with it but
also to see what it supports. It would be great if the meassunring
signal from the device could have a function as a trigger. this way I
could form it as a custom trigger for wxPython. I guess I will just
have to have a look at it.

Could anyone give me some good literature about custom made events in
python. Either to send me the material to my email or to give me some

> --
>         Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
>         wlfr...@ix.netcom.com             wulfr...@bestiaria.com
>                 HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/
>         (Bestiaria Support Staff:               web-a...@bestiaria.com)
>                 HTTP://www.bestiaria.com/


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