Hyunchul Kim wrote:
Hi, all

I have a simple script.
Can you improve algorithm of following 10 line script, with a view point of speed ?
Following script do exactly what I want but I want to improve the speed.

This parse a file and accumulate lines till a line match a given regular expression. Then, when a line match a given regular expression, this function yield lines before the matched lines.

import re
resultlist = []
cp_regularexpression = re.compile('^a complex regular expression here$)
for line in file(inputfile):
       if cp_regularexpression.match(line):
               if resultlist != []:
                       yield resultlist
                       resultlist = []
yield resultlist

Thank you in advance,

It looks OK to me.

Of course, it could be the regular expression that's the slowest part.
Have you tried timing it?

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