Reckoner wrote:

I have the following problem: I have two objects, say, A and B, which
are both legitimate stand-alone objects with lives of their own.

A contains B as a property, so I often do

the problem is that some functions inside of B actually need A
(remember I said they were both standalone objects), so I have to
often do:


Which is kind of awkward.

Is there some way that B.foo_func() could somehow know that it was
called as a property of A in this way?

Note that I'm looking for the calling object and NOT the calling

Thanks in advance.

B has to get into A somehow. Providing an installation method is no inconvenience if one remembers later not to bypass it.

class A:
   something_for_contained_to_show = 99
   def install_contained (self, B):
       B.container = self   # Provides B with a reference to A
       self.contained = B

class B:
   def method_with_container_access (self):
      print self.container   # Show container object
      print self.container.something_for_contained_to_show

>>> a = A (); b = B (); a.install_contained (b)
>>> b.method_with_container_access ()

<__main__.A instance at 0x019D5788>

Does this look like a good idea?



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