Le Sun, 17 Apr 2005 13:38:09 +0200, Andrew E a écrit :
> Hi all
> I've written a python program that adds orders into our order routing
> simulation system. It works well, and has a syntax along these lines:
>   ./neworder --instrument NOKIA --size 23 --price MARKET --repeats 20
> etc
> However, I'd like to add a mode that will handle, say:
>   ./neworder buy 23 NOKIA at MKT x 20
> I could enter several orders either by running multiple times, or use a
> comma-separated approach, like:
>   ./neworder buy 23 NOKIA at MKT on helsinki, sell 20 NOKIA at market on
> helsinki
It would be simpler to have the rule : one line == one order, action,
command wahtever.
> The thing about this is that its a "tolerant" parser, so all of these
> should also work:
>   # omit words like "at", "on"
>   ./neworder buy 23 NOKIA mkt helsinki
>   # take any symbol for helsinki
>   ./neworder buy 23 mkt helsinki
>   # figure out that market=helsinki
>   ./neworder buy 23 NOKIA at market price
You have some variation of the same « buy » order. If you want to detail
the semantics :  you arrive to determine the different parameter of a
BuyCommand : what, where, how (many) ...
  This semantic is expressed differently in english, US-english, french
  If you base your parser on regex you see that the same BuyOrder is
  represented by a number of variant :
  Please, buy 23 NOKIA at market Helsinki
  Acheter 40 actions Bouygues à la Bouse de Paris

So you have for a given environment (orders management module) a number
of commands expressed in pseudo-natural languages. Each command has a
certain number of attributes
  name, module_name, parameters, variants(list of regexps for instance),
  description, short description, sample sentence  (to be presented
  to the user in an interactive session if requested).
  An important attribute is naturally the action taken when the
  parser/interpreter matches the current line.

So you group the description of the Commands in an easy to parse file
and write an interpreter which on startup read such a file for the
Commands it understands : command to load a module, to list the commands
in the currently loaded module or in the interpreter, command to display
the sample, short or long description (help about cmd  or how to spell
cmd)., command to stop the interpreter (and the program) ...
command to read/include a file containings commands to parse and
  Python is dynamic, with setattr() you can easily construct a Command
  object from its description.

Here is what could be the description of a command to compute the
equilibrium position in a stability module (using a «here» shell like
syntax ):
command equilibre << eoc
description << eod
La commande « equilibre » permet de lancer le calcul de la position
d'équilibre du flotteur couramment décrit.
position equilibre en partant de pqr 0.0/0.0/1.0 et h=8.500
les mots-clés sont equilibre pqr et h[=]
sample <<eos
equilibre pqr 0.0/0.0/1.0 avec h=8.500
#  name of function to call
action compute_equi
#  parameters of the command (a dictionary of parameters could be in
#  action's arguments
parameters << eop
# The regexpes
variants << eov
# the following regexp is with re.I (ignore case flag) :
variant I << eovi
#  syntax of regexp untested :-)
variant << eovi

> Thanks for any suggestions :)
> Andrew

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