Tim Golden wrote:
Sounds reasonable, but isn't actually true. This works fine:

import subprocess

open ("t.bat", "w").write ("echo hello")
subprocess.Popen ("t.bat")




Dave Angel wrote:
The docs of Popen() state that it uses CreateProcess() on Windows, so I didn't even try it.

I only knew because I'd answered a similar question
recently and had simply tried it out!

Thanks for informing me it works. I see now the COMSPEC manipulation in _execute_child(), but I'm still puzzled. When I step through, it skips that part because we didn't specify shell= as an argument. It still had not put the cmd.exe /c into the args variable when it called CreateProcess(). So is the Python CreateProcess more than a thin wrapper around Windows version?

Doesn't look like it. And using win32process.CreateProcess from
pywin32 does exactly the same. (Haven't checked their source
but I doubt they're finicking around with the parameters):

import win32process

open ("t.bat", "w").write ("echo hello")

win32process.CreateProcess (
 win32process.STARTUPINFO ()



(<PyHANDLE at 11729792 (128)>, <PyHANDLE at 11042712 (132)>, 6208, 5732)

c:\temp>echo hello


So it looks as though the MS docs are simply wrong? I haven't
tried it with ctypes or a native C program, but I can't
see that they should be any different. If I get a chance
later I'll knock something up in C.

But what about the OP problem? I now see it runs okay for me, both stand-alone and inside Komodo. But he's getting an exception inside make_inheritable(), which is apparently being passed an invalid handle.

Runs OK for me, in Python 2.6 running under XP, SP3. 2.6.1 (r261:67517, Dec 4 2008, 16:51:00) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

Works under python 26/25/24 and the current subversion trunk,
and on 3.1 once I'd modified the input to be a bytes string.


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