> Peter Otten wrote:

>> Could you explain why you prefer 'contains(belly, beer)'
>> or 'belly.contains(beer)' over 'beer in belly'? The last form may be a bit
>> harder to find in the documentation, but once a newbie has learned about
>> it he'll find it easy to remember.

andrew cooke wrote:

> i don't know why i get involved in this type of discussion, but....

I sense growing exasperation, and I do *not* have strong feelings on this matter, so I promise this will be my last message on this topic.

I don't really prefer 'contains(belly, beer)' over 'beer in belly'. Rather, it's a completeness/consistency argument: a language that includes these methods for string objects:


... should also include:


The lack of this method increases the likelihood that a user will mistakenly use the find() method as a predicate.


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