hi all..
I'm posted in a word doc becoz to add a image to explain my problem..
also I think gmail automatically scans for attachments..

anyway.. here's my problem...( see the image)


Using : Python 2.6 , wxPython 2.8.9

*In my application , a menu invoking a frame class.

It’s having a wx.notebook control like above. Each notebook page is also a
class. In loadprofile class i'm tried to load a configuration file already
created by application.
 (when pressing load button, current selected config filename in a listbox
must be loaded for application.)

config file data must to be applied to my application object.

 mainApp object  --->  Frame object ( wx.notebook )


                                  Load profile class


(return config file or data to mainApp object in load button Event handler

 * I don’t know how to return config file or data to mainApp object when
pressing load button. *

 * Is it easy to return filename only and load the file’s data into mainApp
object in menu handler itself? *

 Please suggest me right direction.. and tell me how to do it?

Usually where I can get these informations.. (suggest links and books..)

Thanks for any advice....

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