Mike H wrote:
Hello all, I have a question about the if/else aspect of list comprehension:

I would like to go through a list and place quotes around an item if
it is a string, and keep the item the same if it's anything else:

e.g.['a',9,'8b'] --> ['"a"', 9, '"8b"']

I understand that if/else list comprehension should be generally:

b=[(F,T)[boolean test] for val in X]

so, I tried the following code:

b=[(inst, '"'+inst+'"')[isinstance(inst, str)] for inst in a]

I end up getting the error: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

From playing around with other examples, I get the feeling that Python
is calculating both values (inst and '"'+inst+'"') before selecting
which one to pass to the new list. Am I right? Is there any way I can
do this using list comprehension?

I would just use an old-fashioned for loop, especially if it were ok to quote the strings 'in-place'.

for i, item in enumerate(X):
  if isinstance(item,str):
    X[i] = '"'+item+'"'



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