ookrin schrieb:
I'm in the process of learning python and PyQt4. I had decided to make
myself a simple app and soon discovered that I needed to crash into
xml to use some of the data I was going to be getting off of the

I picked up enough xml to use the sax parser to get the data out of
the xml. I can get as far as printing it to the screen, but there is
where I get stuck.... I can't seem to send the data to anywhere else,
into another variable, to another function. The parser stops after the
first line it finds.

class offlineLoad():
    def loadXmlFile(self):
        print "Loading from File"
        xf = open('CharacterID.xml','r')
        xml = xmlHandler()
        saxparser = make_parser()
        print "parser created"
        print "parser runn"
            print "Error Reading xml"

This is a very bad thing to do - there are only very few justified cases of catch-all for exceptions. This certainly isn't one, as it suppresses the real cause for what is happening.

Which makes it harder for you & for us to diagnose the problem, because you don't show (and currently can't) the stacktrace to us.

class xmlHandler(ContentHandler):
    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        self.charList = []

If this shall gather some state over the coures of time, this is the wrong place to initialize it, as it will get overwritten with each element.

        charName = []
        charID = []

There is no need to "prefill" variables. And it's confusing you do it with a different type than what you assign to them below.

        if name == "row":
            charName = attrs.get("name", "")
            charID = attrs.get("characterID", "")
            print charName, '\t', charID

    def test(self):
        print "TeST"
    def buildlist(self,charName,charID):
        print charName, '\t',charID

so here... test will print, but buildlist makes the parser stop and
print "Error reading XML" after the first row it finds.  Appending
charName and charID to another variable makes it stop as well. I'm
confused at this point

Please show us the stacktrace you suppress. Then help might be possible.


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