En Thu, 09 Apr 2009 07:13:08 -0300, S.Selvam <s.selvams...@gmail.com> escribió:

I want to read headers from web page and check whether its Content-Type is
xml or not.I used the following code
 request = urllib2.Request(url, None, USER_AGENT)
 opener = urllib2.build_opener()
 datastream = opener.open(request)
 if datastream.headers.get('Content-Type','').find('xml') == -1:
            raise "Its not xml!"
      Read the content and process

Is this the good way to read headers ? ,as i do not want the content ,unless
it is xml.
Please suggest me,if there are some other good methods to read only the

The best way is to issue an HTTP HEAD request -- so only the headers are sent. Search this newsgroup for some ways of doing that. Ok, see this posts:


Gabriel Genellina


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