On 08Apr2009 16:13, Thomas Bellman <bell...@lysator.liu.se> wrote:
| Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:
| > On 07Apr2009 10:08, akineko <akin...@gmail.com> wrote:
| >| I'm trying to use named pipes to fuse a Python program and a C
| >| program.
| >| One side creates pipes using os.mkfifo() and both sides use the same
| >| named pipes (one side reads, another side writes). The read side uses
| >| select.select() to wait for incoming messages and read the message
| >| when select.select() says it is ready.
| >| The length of the message is unknown to the read side.
| > That's a serious flaw in the message protocol.
| > No!
| > You should use os.read() with the maximum size of a message.
| > It _should_ return with the number of bytes in the message, provided the
| > C program writes messages with a single OS-level write() call.
| No!
| That's still broken.  You can't know if the writer has managed to
| write one or several messages onto the pipe.

I did think of that. It's an insurmountable problem, which is why he
needs a message length in the protocol, or other way to recognise
message boundaries. akineko has said elsewhere that's he's chasing that
side of things.

The os.read() thing simply avoids the tedium of polling; you can block
on the read without the annoyance of file.read() blocking waiting for
"too much" data.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

The Government that robs Peter to pay Paul, can always count on Paul for
support.        - George Bernard Shaw

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