On Apr 13, 12:45 pm, Aaron Brady <castiro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 13, 5:11 am, Michel Albert <exh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > A small foreword: This might look like a cherrypy-oriented post, and
> > should therefore go to the cherrypy group, but if you read to the end,
> > you'll see it's a more basic python problem, with cherrypy only as an
> > example. ;)
> > From the decorator PEP (318) I get it that you can /add/ parameters to
> > a call. Say you do something like this:
> > @mydeco( foo="bar" )
> > def myfunc( hello ):
> >    print foo, foo
> snip
> > I would prefer a syntax like this (http://python.pastebin.com/
> > f462bc29c)
> > class MyController(Controller):
> >     @expose()
> >     @skinnable
> >     @translatable
> >     def index(self):
> >         return "Hello skinned world"
> >     @expose()
> >     @skinnable
> >     @translatable
> >     def foo(self):
> >         return "bar"
> snip
> > more future proof.
> snip
> Sure.  Just pop the keywords you want from the dictionary, if they
> exist.
> def take_ab( fun ):
>     def newfun( *ar, **kw ):
>         aval= kw.pop( 'a', None )
>         bval= kw.pop( 'b', None )
>         print( 'aval %r and bval %r popped'% ( aval, bval ) )
>         res= fun( *ar, **kw )
>         return res
>     return newfun
> @take_ab
> def f( c= 42, d= 'some' ):
>     print( 'in f, c= %r, d= %r'% ( c, d ) )
> f( a= 'paramA', b= 'paramB', c= 'other number' )
> /Output:
> aval 'paramA' and bval 'paramB' popped
> in f, c= 'other number', d= 'some'
> As you can see, 'a', 'b', and 'c' were passed to 'f', but 'f' only
> received 'c', as well as its default value for 'd'.  So long as you
> only need to pass by keyword, not position, it's pretty easy.  It's
> harder if the parameter you want might have been passed by either, and
> you need to remove it from whichever one it was passed by.

Thanks. That works like a charm. I tried that last night and it gave
me an error. So I must have had a typo in there somewhere. Not enough
sleep I guess ;)

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