On Apr 14, 6:45 pm, Aaron Brady <castiro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 14, 6:04 pm, sanket <sanket.s.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Apr 14, 4:00 pm, MRAB <goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> > > sanket wrote:
> > > > Hello All,
> > > > I am dealing with this weird bug.
> > > > I have a function in C and I have written python bindings for it using
> > > > ctypes.
> > > > I can call this function for couple of times and then suddenly it
> > > > gives me seg fault.
> > > > But I can call same function from a C code for any number of times.
> > > > I cannot get what's going on.
> > > > here is my code.
> > > > /**********************************************/
> > > > /* C Function I am calling */
> > > > int get_hash(char *filename,int rate,int ch,unsigned char* hash,
> > > > unsigned int* hash_size,short* avg_f,short* avg_d){
> snip
> > > > Python code
> > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > from ctypes import *
> > > > lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("/usr/lib/libclient.so")
> > > > def my_func(filename,rate,ch):
> > > >     hash = (c_ubyte * 424)()
> > > >     hash_size = c_uint()
> > > >     avg_f = c_short(0)
> > > >     avg_d = c_short(0)
> > > >     n = lib.get_hash(filename,rate,ch,hash,byref(hash_size),byref
> > > > (avg_f),byref(avg_d))
> > > >     hash = None
> snip
> > Thank you for your reply.
> > I will make check for fp and data pointers.
> > But my point is this function runs fine while calling it from a C
> > code.
> > it only breaks while calling from python. So I wonder if there can be
> > anything wrong with ctypes module.
> > Thanks,
> > sanket
> If you have console output available, you should printf the parameters
> as soon as you get into the function.  You can also return immediately
> for debugging purposes, to see if it's the call or the function body.
> You can also assign the 'argtypes' and 'returntype' members of a
> ctypes function call, which you didn't do, and may or may not help.

This just in, I was able to successfully print the 'filename'
parameter in C, write to the 'hash' parameter in C, and print the
resulting 'hash' parameter in Python.  I didn't need 'argtypes' or
'returntype'.  FYI.

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