Don't write off Zope2/Plone too quickly.  Zope is making many of
the extensions/features in Zope3 available in Zope2 (V2.8+).  As
with any LARGE application, Zope2 is much more mature than the
newer Zope3.  It will also be extremely difficult to find
programmers/consultants with any Zope3 experience.  Plone's CMF
is going to be very hard to beat.

-Larry Bates

Mir Nazim wrote:
> Hi there.
> I am about to undertake a project. My employer wants it to be developed
> in PHP. While I was thinking that Python will be better for this job.
> The project will implement the functionality similar to Yahoo360
> (,, Orkut etc.
> 1) There will be a groups like functionality like google groups.
> 2) Groups/personal blogs/albums/events/buddy lists etc. need to be
> implemented.
> 3) Most importantly it needs to be implemented like platform. that is
> it has to expose API or web services so that application implemented on
> it can talk to each other and other applications can talk to it.
> My employer wants to go with PHP because almost all the functionality
> is available with a Drupal CMS for PHP. But it is important to note
> that for an application, rather a platform, which is intended to be
> used for a long time, time to implement should not be the major
> criteria above good design and maintainability(in which python scores
> highest).
> IMHO Zope3/Quixote seem to be the obvious choice here. Though
> functionality is not available on them but i think time spent now will
> be gained by gains in better design and maintainable code base.
> Now I want this wonderful community to pour in their suggestions
> on what would be better alternatives. Also may we try various
> combinations of frameworks like Zope3 for components, Twisted2.0 for
> network functionality etc.
> PS: I am leaving out Zope2.x and Twisted1.x as a lot has changed in
> newer versions and I don't want to be hanged when Zope3 becomes
> official.
> Thanks 
> ---
> Mir Nazim

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