On Apr 14, 1:23 am, norseman <norse...@hughes.net> wrote:
> AJ Mayorga wrote:
> > For something like this I generally create a superclass to hold
> > configuration variables that will change overtime, doing that will save you
> > from insanity.
> > Class configVar:
> >    #set initial values
> >    Def __init__(self):
> >            Self.A = 5
> >            Self.B = 10
> >            Self.C = 20
> > Class myMath(configVars):
> >    def __init__(self):
> >            pass
> >    def SubAandB(self):
> >            return self.A - self.B
> >    def AddCandB(self):
> >            return self.C + self.B
> >    def MultiplyXbyA(self, x):
> >            return self.A * x
> > m = myMath()
> > X = m.SubAandB()
> > Y = m.AddCandB()
> > Z = m.MultiplyXbyA(32)
> > Keeps your vars in a safer easier to handle, debug, and change kinda way
> > Good luck
> > AJ
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: python-list-bounces+aj=xernova....@python.org
> > [mailto:python-list-bounces+aj=xernova....@python.org] On Behalf Of David
> > Stanek
> > Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 12:12 PM
> > To: Ravi
> > Cc: python-l...@python.org
> > Subject: Re: Imports in python are static, any solution?
> > On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Ravi <ra.ravi....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> foo.py :
> >>    i = 10
> >>   def fi():
> >>      global i
> >>      i = 99
> >> bar.py :
> >>    import foo
> >>    from foo import i
> >>    print i, foo.i
> >>    foo.fi()
> >>    print i, foo.i
> >> This is problematic. Well I want i to change with foo.fi() .
> > Why not only import foo and using foo.i? In fi() when you set i = 99
> > you are creating a new object called i in foo's namespace.
> ===============================
> Aj is right. In foo.py there are two definitions for 'i'. The initial
> and the replacement initiated by fi(). While initially there is no 'i'
> definition in bar itself.
> To test, use my changes to bar.py
> import foo
> #from foo import i
> i= foo.i
> print i, foo.i
> x= foo.fi()
> print i, x, foo.i
> x= foo.i
> print  i, x, foo.i
> the output will be:
> 10 10
> 10 None 99
> 10 99 99
> output is same if you uncomment #from... and comment i=...
> The '...import i' creates the "same" var as the i=... in the current run
> If you comment out both the from and the i= then the print i will fail
> because i has not been defined in current space.
> foo.fi() returns None (nothing) per it's definition.
> whereas the first foo.i returns the initial i value and the foo.i after
> foo.fi() returns the 2nd value, foo's i reset to 99 by fi() inside foo.
> Clear as Mud???
> Steve

Yes I find the difference. Thank you all.

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