_wolf wrote:

> lately i realized a slow running portion of my application, and a
> quick profiling nourished the suspicion that, of all things, calls to
> `xrange().__contains__` (`x in b` where `b = xrange(L,H)`) is the
> culprit. to avoid any other influences, i wrote this test script with
> class `xxrange` being a poor man’s `xrange` replacement:
> ########################################################
> class xxrange( object ):
>   def __init__( self, start, stop ):
>     self.start  = start
>     self.stop   = stop
>   def __contains__( self, x ):
>     return ( x == int( x ) ) and self.start <= x < self.stop

I haven't read 


completely, but from what I've read a patch might be accepted. Personally I
will continue to write

start <= x < stop

I don't remember an occasion where I needed the int(x) == x incantation or a
step (that you didn't implement).



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