On Apr 18, 5:54 pm, Filip Gruszczyński <grusz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, I have heard a lot about test driven development. I am now
> programming a lot using DJango and I would like to use its test
> framework to try it. However, I have little experience with this (as
> most people I know). I also have no idea, how to apply this, when I
> write code heavily focused on user interface.

One of the most complete testing suites I know of is jUnit, even
though you don't know Java, it may still be useful to you understand
how the thing works. There is also a pyunit framework, but I fear that
jUnit has a better overall documentation - anyway the concepts are

> I thought, that prototyping is cool, especially with python, where you
> can create something functional pretty quickly. But recently I was met
> with a situation, when after writing 1k lines of prototype and then
> writing main program > 3k lines I noticed, that there is something
> really wrong with the design. It was then, that I started wondering:
> maybe I should first prepare some good design documents, I don't know
> some SAD or something.

My experience with design documents and all is that you end up not
following them anyway because when you start to code you also start to
realize you forgot something. Software Engineering would have you fall
back to redesign to include the new stuff in, but I've hardly ever
seen that happen. Of course you can try, because what works for me
could not be working for you... The thing with software engineering is
that nobody has found a good answer to these problems yet, no matter
what they claim. Every approach has its advantages and its drawbacks,
it is up to you to find your own way to deal with this kind of problems

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