Hi I have been working on a homework assignment that I am having a lot
of trouble with.  I am so frustrated because every time I think I am
getting close to figuring it out there is another problem.   If you
could look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong I would very much
appreciate it....

import string

from datetime import date

class Leaderapplicant:

        def __init__(self, line):

                #convert the lines of data into fields and removes

                line = line.rstrip("\n")

                appname, leadername, start, end = line.split("\t")

                self.appname = appname

                self.leadername = leadername

                yyyy, mm, dd = start.split(",")  #splits the string
into dates

                b = int(yyyy)

                c = int(mm)

                d = int(dd)

                self.start = date(b,c,d)

                yyyy, mm, dd = end.split(",")

                b = int(yyyy)

                c = int(mm)

                d = int(dd)

                self.end = date(b, c, d)

        def getAppname(self):

                return self.appname

        def getLeadername(self):

                return self.leadername

        def getStart(self):

                return self.start

        def getEnd(self):

                return self.end

        def getSomething(self):

        # infoStr is a tab separated line: name leadername startdate

                return self.appname + "\t" + self.leadername + "\t" +
self.start + "\t" + self.end

#import Leader Applicant

def get_files():
        infile = raw_input("What file is the data in? ")
        outfile = raw_input("What file would you like the data to go
in? ")
        return infile, outfile

def main():

#recall get_files function
        files = get_files()

#open files
        infile = open(files[0], 'r')
        outfile = open(files[1], 'w')

        reportstart = raw_input("Please enter the date (yyyy, mm, dd)
the reporting period started: ")

        yyyy, mm, dd = string.split(reportstart, ",")

        yyyy = int(yyyy)

        mm  = int(mm)

        dd  = int(dd)

        reportstartdate= date(yyyy, mm, dd)

        reportend = raw_input("Please enter the date (yyyy, mm, dd)
the reporting period ended: ")

        yyyy, mm, dd = string.split(reportend, ",")

        yyyy = int(yyyy)

        mm = int(mm)

        dd = int(dd)

        reportenddate = date(yyyy, mm, dd)

        for line in infile:

                a = Leaderapplicant(line) #from data file

                if a.getEnd() >= reportstartdate and a.getEnd() <=



#close files



        #print "The list has been written to", files[1]

if __name__ == '__main__':


I am using tab separated data in another file that looks like this...

appname1   leadername1    2005, 02, 02    2006, 02, 02
appname2   leadername2    2006, 03, 21    2007, 06, 28


The error message looks like this....

 back (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line
97, in <module>
  File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line
80, in main
    a = Leaderapplicant(line) #from data file
  File "/home/amy/Documents/LIS452/assignment 3/", line 9,
in __init__
    appname, leadername, start, end = line.split("\t")
ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have spent so much time on
this that I am behind not only in this class but in other classes as

Print out the value of 'line' using repr(). Is it what you expected?

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