En Mon, 20 Apr 2009 04:03:28 -0300, bdb112 <boyd.blackw...@gmail.com> escribió:

Is there any obvious reason why
[False,True] and [True,True]
gives [True, True]

Yes: short-circuit evaluation.
[False,True] and [True,True] is *not* an element-by-element operation, it's a simple expression involving two objects (two lists). A and B means: check the boolean value of A; if it's false, return A. Else, return B. A non-empty list has a boolean value of true, so the second list is returned.

If you want an element-wise operation:
A = [False,True]
B = [True,True]
result = [a and b for a,b in zip(A,B)]
Gabriel Genellina


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