Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> >y = (f(11, 22, x=1, y='y for f') *
> >     g(*args_from_somewhere,
> >       x='x for g', y='y for g',
> >       foo=lambda: return 'foo for g'))
> >
> >would be my current way to express this. But still, the less lines,
> >the less confusing it is.

And Ron Adam replied:
> I would probably do it this way.
> y = f(11, 22, x=1, y='y for f')               \
>          * g( *args_from_somewhere,
>               x='x for g', 
>               y='y for g',
>               foo=lambda: return 'foo for g' )

Which are both prettier, until you actually try to use them:

>>> g( *args_from_somewhere, x='x for g', y='y for g', foo=lambda:
return 'foo for g' )
Traceback (  File "<interactive input>", line 1
    g( *args_from_somewhere, x='x for g', y='y for g', foo=lambda:
return 'foo for g' )
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries

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