Thanks Guys,

I didn't think it was calling the function so I will put some test code and
print something to the screen just to ensure it's entering the function.

Thanks for all ya help.


Peter Moscatt wrote:

> Is it possible to write code and allow a function to be called within
> another like I have shown below ?
> Pete
> def populatelist():
>         f=open(_globals.appath + "dxcluster.svr","r")
>         while true:
>                 text = f.readline()
>                 if text =="":
>                         break
>                 _list.append(string.strip(text))
>         f.close()
> def serversettings():
>         servers.main(root)
>         if _globals.refresh=="yes":
>                 populatelist()   <----------------------- calling function
>                 above.


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