On Apr 20, 6:54 pm, Gerhard Häring <g...@ghaering.de> wrote:
> Peter Otten wrote:
> > bdb112 wrote:
> >> Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear.
> >> It leads to some intriguing results:
> >> bool([False])
> >> --> True
> >> I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?
> > No. Tests like
> > if items:
> >    ...
> > to verify that items is a non-empty list are a widespread idiom in Python.
> > They rely on the behaviour you observe.

> Are they widespread? I haven't noticed, yet.
> I prefer to write it explicitly:
> if len(lst) > 0:
>     ...
> if item is None:
>     ...
> etc.

Consider this snippet:

while stack and some_condition(stack[-1]):
  # do stuff including popping and breaking
  # raise an exception

Would you use an explicit len(stack) > 0 ?

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