
I am adding support for parallel processing to an existing program
which fetches some data and then performs some computation with
results saved to a database. Everything went just fine until I wanted
to gather all of the results from the subprocesses.

First idea, which came to my mind, was using a queue. I've got many
producers (all of the workers) and one consumer. Seams quite simple,
but it isn't, at least for me. I presumed that each worker will put()
its results to the queue, and finally will close() it, while the
parent process will get() them as long as there is an active
subprocess. So I did this:

>>> from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, active_children
>>> def f(q):
...     q.put(1)
...     q.close()
>>> queue = Queue()
>>> Process(target=f, args=(queue,)).start()
>>> while len(active_children()) > 0:
...     print queue.get()

This (of course?) hangs after first iteration of the loop. Delaying
second iteration by putting a sleep() call fixes the problem, since
the result of active_children is being some kind of refreshed, but
it's not the solution. One could say to iterate the exact number of
subprocesses I have, but let's presume such information isn't

Due to my failure with queues I decided to have a try with pipes, and
again I found a behavior, which is at least surprising and not
obvious. When I use a pipe within a process everything works

>>> from multiprocessing import Pipe
>>> parent, child = Pipe()
>>> child.send(1)
>>> child.close()
>>> parent.recv()
>>> child.closed
>>> parent.recv()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

The problems appear in subprocess communication using pipes, though.

>>> from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
>>> def f(child):
...     child.send(1)
...     child.close()
>>> parent, child = Pipe()
>>> Process(target=f, args=(child,)).start()
>>> parent.recv()
>>> child.closed
>>> parent.recv()

... and hangs. No idea of fixing this, not even of a workaround, which
would solve my problem.

Most possibly I'm missing something in philosophy of multiprocessing,
but I couldn't find anything covering such a situation. I'd appreciate
any kind of hint on this topic, as it became a riddle I just have to
solve. :-)

Best regards,
Michal Chruszcz

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