On Apr 22, 10:51 am, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> > My requirement is to write an application which is GUI based
> > has to run on browsers. Could you tell me which one would be
> > suitable for this?
> These are generally 2 different things:  either you're writing a
> local GUI rich-client (in which case, use the GuiProgramming wiki
> link Mike sent), or you're doing web development targeting
> browsers in which case you should investigate the myriad web
> programming frameworks for Python (Django, Turbogears, CheryPy,
> web.py, webstack, etc).
> There's a third "type" of application that I abhor, usually
> developed in Flash/Silverblight/JavaFX that runs within a
> web-browser, but allows for richer interactions/rendering than
> your average web-page.  However, I don't know of any python
> tie-ins for any of these environments.
> There's also a blurred line if you embed a web-browser in a local
> GUI application.
> -tkc

Technically speaking, Silverlight can be run with IronPython...which
works on Windows and Linux (through Mono), but not Mac (as far as I


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