> > Just being pedantic here :)
> >
> > [items[x] for x in [i for i in map(values.index, new_values)]]
> >
> > Is the same as
> >
> > [items[x] for x in map(values.index, new_values)]
> It's also the same as
>    [items[x] for x in [values.index(i) for i in new_values]]
> Which reduces to
>    [items[values.index(i)] for i in new_values]

All these variances prove how python amazing is, thanks!

> (Although 'i' is not a good choice of variable as it represents a
> value, not an index)

Actually, I think 'i' indeed represents index of each sorted values in
original values list

> Anyway it doesn't work well if the 'values' list has repeated values,
> e.g.
> items = ['spam', 'eggs', 'wafer']
> values = [3, 7, 3]

Yes, I didn't even think about this situation!
I'm new to python too, as original poster Esmail, there are a lot of things
to learn to be a real pythoner:)

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