On 25Apr2009 14:07, "Martin v. Löwis" <mar...@v.loewis.de> wrote:
| Cameron Simpson wrote:
| > On 22Apr2009 08:50, Martin v. Löwis <mar...@v.loewis.de> wrote:
| > | File names, environment variables, and command line arguments are
| > | defined as being character data in POSIX;
| > 
| > Specific citation please? I'd like to check the specifics of this.
| For example, on environment variables:
| http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xbd/envvar.html
| http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/execve.html


| > So you're proposing that all POSIX OS interfaces (which use byte strings)
| > interpret those byte strings into Python3 str objects, with a codec
| > that will accept arbitrary byte sequences losslessly and is totally
| > reversible, yes?
| Correct.
| > And, I hope, that the os.* interfaces silently use it by default.
| Correct.

Ok, then I'm probably good with the PEP. Though I have a quite strong
desire to be able to work in bytes at need without doing multiple
encode/decode steps.

| > | Applications that need to process the original byte
| > | strings can obtain them by encoding the character strings with the
| > | file system encoding, passing "python-escape" as the error handler
| > | name.
| > 
| > -1
| > This last sentence kills the idea for me, unless I'm missing something.
| > Which I may be, of course.
| > POSIX filesystems _do_not_ have a file system encoding.
| Why is that a problem for the PEP?

Because you said above "by encoding the character strings with the file
system encoding", which is a fiction.

| > If I'm writing a general purpose UNIX tool like chmod or find, I expect
| > it to work reliably on _any_ UNIX pathname. It must be totally encoding
| > blind. If I speak to the os.* interface to open a file, I expect to hand
| > it bytes and have it behave.
| See the other messages. If you want to do that, you can continue to.
| > I'm very much in favour of being able to work in strings for most
| > purposes, but if I use the os.* interfaces on a UNIX system it is
| > necessary to be _able_ to work in bytes, because UNIX file pathnames
| > are bytes.
| Please re-read the PEP. It provides a way of being able to access any
| POSIX file name correctly, and still pass strings.
| > If there isn't a byte-safe os.* facility in Python3, it will simply be
| > unsuitable for writing low level UNIX tools.
| Why is that? The mechanism in the PEP is precisely defined to allow
| writing low level UNIX tools.

Then implicitly it's byte safe. Clearly I'm being unclear; I mean
original OS-level byte strings must be obtainable undamaged, and it must
be possible to create/work on OS objects starting with a byte string as
the pathname.

| > Finally, I have a small python program whose whole purpose in life
| > is to transcode UNIX filenames before transfer to a MacOSX HFS
| > directory, because of HFS's enforced particular encoding. What approach
| > should a Python app take to transcode UNIX pathnames under your scheme?
| Compute the corresponding character strings, and use them.

In Python2 I've been going (ignoring checks for unchanged names):

  - Obtain the old name and interpret it into a str() "correctly".
    I mean here that I go:
      unicode_name = unicode(name, srcencoding)
    in old Python2 speak. name is a bytes string obtained from listdir()
    and srcencoding is the encoding known to have been used when the old name
    was constructed. Eg iso8859-1.
  - Compute the new name in the desired encoding. For MacOSX HFS,
      utf8_name = unicodedata.normalize('NFD',unicode_name).encode('utf8')
    Still in Python2 speak, that's a byte string.
  - os.rename(name, utf8_name)

Under your scheme I imagine this is amended. I would change your
listdir_b() function as follows:

  def listdir_b(bytestring, fse=None):
       if fse is None:
           fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
       string = bytestring.decode(fse, "python-escape")
       for fn in os.listdir(string):
           yield fn.encoded(fse, "python-escape")

So, internally, os.listdir() takes a string and encodes it to an
_unspecified_ encoding in bytes, and opens the directory with that
byte string using POSIX opendir(3).

How does listdir() ensure that the byte string it passes to the underlying
opendir(3) is identical to 'bytestring' as passed to listdir_b()?

It seems from the PEP that "On POSIX systems, Python currently applies the
locale's encoding to convert the byte data to Unicode". Your extension
is to augument that by expressing the non-decodable byte sequences in a
non-conflicting way for reversal later, yes?

That seems to double the complexity of my example application, since
it wants to interpret the original bytes in a caller-specified fashion,
not using the locale defaults.

So I must go:

  def macify(dirname, srcencoding):
    # I need this to reverse your encoding scheme
    fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
    # I'll pretend dirname is ready for use
    # it possibly has had to undergo the inverse of what happens inside
    # the loop below
    for fn in listdir(dirname):
      # listdir reads POSIX-bytes from readdir(3)
      # then encodes using the locale encoding, with your escape addition
      bytename = fn.encoded(fse, "python-escape")
      oldname = unicode(bytename, srcencoding)
      newbytename = unicodedata.normalize('NFD',unicode_name).encode('utf8')
      newname = newbytename.decode(fse, "python-escape")
      if fn != newname:
        os.rename(fn, newname)

And I'm sure there's some os.path.join() complexity I have omitted.

Is that correct? You'll note I need to recode the oldname unicode string
because I don't know that fse is the same as the required target MacOSX
UTF8 NFD encoding.

So if my changes above are correct WRT the PEP, I grant that this
is still doable in your scheme. But it would be far far easier with a
bytes API. And let us not consider threads or other effects from locale
changes during the loop run.

I forget what was decided with the pure-bytes interfaces (out of scope
for your PEP). Would there be a posix module with a bytes API?

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

The old day of Perl's try-it-before-you-use-it are long as gone.  Nowadays
you can write as many as 20..100 lines of Perl without hitting a bug in the
perl implementation.    - Ilya Zakharevich <i...@math.ohio-state.edu>,
                          in the perl-porters list, 22sep1998

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