En Tue, 28 Apr 2009 17:56:21 -0300, ma <mabdelka...@gmail.com> escribió:

Developing on a machine with a 2.6.5 kernel, which unfortunately, is not
blessed with inotify and we do not have FAM. I was wondering if there are
pre-built extensions ( a few google searches turned up fruitless) that
utilize fcntl properly and allow for siginfo_t struct support when
attempting to monitor directories/files?

If there aren't any, I'll see if it's feasible to add this functionality as
a py extension. Maybe this would be easier to do in ctypes first? Then
again, ctypes wasn't introduced until 2.5+. Suggestions or hints are

In case you don't find any existing library, yes, I think you could do that using ctypes. It's available as a separate download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ctypes/ and I think it works from 2.4 up.

Gabriel Genellina


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