Duncan Booth wrote:
Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
There _are_ cases where it's a useful behavior, but they're rare, so I don't advocate getting rid of it. But it is enough of a beginner gotcha that it really should be in the Python FAQ at www.python.org/doc/faq/general/
That's an excellent idea!

So excellent in fact that it already is:

A couple of minor quibbles:

* This writeup, and the virtually identical one at effbot.org that Diez referenced, address the *what* of default arguments, but don't really address the *why*, beyond the statement that "Default values are created exactly once, when the function is defined (by executing the *def* <http://effbot.org/pyref/def.htm> statement)". After all, if parameter values are supplied to a function when it is called, a newly minted set of default values could be supplied at that time, also. So *why* was Python designed one way instead of the other?

* I'd change this sentence near the beginning of the writeup, because it's just ambiguous enough in the exact area that the writeup is attempting to clarify:


     The first time you call this function, D contains a single item.
     The second time, D contains two items ...


     After the first call to this function, D contains a single item.
     After the second call, D contains two items ...



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