Dale Amon wrote:
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 08:32:31AM +0200, Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote:
-On [20090430 02:21], Dale Amon (a...@vnl.com) wrote:
import sys
sys.path.extend (['../lib', '../bin'])

>from VLMLegacy.CardReader import CardReader
rdr = CardReader ("../example/B767.dat","PRINTABLE")

iotypes     = ["WINGTL","VLMPC","VLM4997"]
for iotype in iotypes:
       packagename = "VLMLegacy." + iotype + ".Conditions"
       classname   =  iotype + "_Conditions"
       code        = "from %s import Conditions as %s" \
                      % (packagename, classname)
       x           = compile (code,"foo","exec")
       exec x
       cls = globals()[classname]
       a = cls(rdr,2)
Right now your code boils down to:

from VLMLegacy.VLM4997.Conditions import Conditions as VLM4997_Conditions
from VLMLegacy.VLMPC.Conditions import Conditions as VLMPC_Conditions
from VLMLegacy.WINGTL.Conditions import Conditions as WINGTL_Conditions

And while you are, of course, allowed to do so, it's not the way you would
want to approach it in Python.

For each subpackage/module you could add an import and __all__ to
__init__.py to expose Conditions and then shorten it all to:

import VLMLegacy.VLM4997 as VLM4997
import VLMLegacy.VLMPC as VLMPC
import VLMLegacy.WINGTL as WINGTL

So that you can do:

a = VLM4997.Conditions(rdr, 2)

If my proof of concept test code were actually all there was
you would be correct. But what I wish to accomplish is that
a string supplied from the command line does a run time load
of code that is not even explicitely mentioned in the main
body of the system.

        myprogram --type NEWTYPE old.dat

Where NEWTYPE did not exist when the above code was written and
distributed. Think of the following scenario.
* Customer tells me, we have old data decks which are not
  quite in any of the supported formats.

* I supply a new subpackage NEWTYPE with the varient code.

* They copy it into the package directory, VLMLegacy/NEWTYPE.

* They type the name of that package as a command line arg as

* The code I wrote takes their string and dynamically binds
  and uses the new code without changing anything else in
  the code base.

Now I agree it is hackish. I don't really want to eval,
I just want to import a module whose name is contained
in a variable. I'm not unhappy with the second part where
I use globals()[thestring] to get from a string to a class object; I am indeed bothered that I have to eval
to do the import as I have been unable so far to find
a way to make it work dynamically. I'd be perfectly happy
if something like this worked:

        from VLMLegacy.CardReader import *
        opts, args  = p.parse_args()
        iotype      = opts.type
        targetname  = "Deck"
        packagename = "VLMLegacy." + iotype + "." targetname
        classname   =  iotype + "_" + targetname

        # I only wish something like this worked...
        from packagename import targetname as classname

    cls = getattr(__import__(packagename), targetname)

        cls = globals()[classname]

        file = args[0]
        rdr  = CardReader(file,opts.punchtype)
        a = cls(rdr,2)

        <do minutes or hours of calculations>

but it doesn't. Oh, and it gets worse later. The data I'm
reading is potentially straight off ancient Fortran decks
with no spaces between numbers. ;-)


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