Aaron Brady wrote:
Um, that's the limit of what I'm familiar with, I'm afraid.  I'd have
to experiment.

On Apr 28, 10:44 am, Way <csw...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks a lot for the reply. I am not familiar with multi-process in
Python. I am now using something like:
However, in this case, Process5's stdout cannot be passed to
MainProcess for Process1, since it has not finished (waiting Process.
1/3 finish).

If you are using a Named Pipe for P1's input, you won't have P5's stdout to worry about. Besides, P1 should know the Named Pipe P5 is using without Main telling P1. Give them their own "Open_Channel_D" to communicate via. (The Man from U.N.C.L.E. -- probably before your time.)

I am now using Fifos (an external file) to inter-communicate Process1
and 5. But at first run, it compliants "not file found".

Won't find it until P5 starts dumping into it OR P1 creates it for P5 to use. Either way - P1 simply needs to poll it if/while there and for P5 going ByeBye to know when to stop polling. If P5 is gone, once the pipe is empty, there will be no more data. If both (or either) P1, P5 are constantly running they will need a "I'm done" signal for one to let the other know it's going to sleep until needed. Last item passed is something the sending program will NEVER generate on its own.
"Close_Channel_D"  :)

Is there any possible solution to make it work? Thank you very much!


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