Astley Le Jasper <> writes:

> I've just stumbled over this ( and being the very
> visual person I am, it seems like it could be a good way to learn
> about python. However, before I smack down $60, I wondered if anyone
> had any opinions on it. My gut feel is that it could be pretty good.

I commend you on your prudence.

The site makes a big deal about helping people with free software. But
their videos are in non-free formats, with Flash being the only option I
could see.

The content appears only to play *in* a browser (I couldn't find any
download links to watch the video offline), making it a pain for anyone
without extremely fast internet.

They require Yet Another Bloody Site-specific Authentication, instead of
allowing login with an existing OpenID as provided by any of the
hundreds of millions of accounts people already have.

Those barriers are enough that I haven't yet *seen* any of their content
to know if it's worth paying for.

 \        “It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.” |
  `\                                                       —David Hume |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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