Maybe the function below can help?
I suppose WMI returns same values as FSO (File System Object):

def  strDriveHexSerialNumberFromFSOintRetVal(intDriveSerialNumberByFSO):
  """Supplied with an integer representing a drive serial number returns the
  number in same format as \>dir command does (i.e. ####-####)."""
  # The value of axDrive.SerialNumber property (an int or float number) can
  # negative, so to get always a positive number as listed by e.g. \>dir
  # command it is necessary to apply a workaround:
  if(intDriveSerialNumberByFSO < 0):
    # dec 4294967295 == hex FFFFFFFF, dec 4294967296 == hex 100000000
    intDriveSerialNumber = 4294967296L + intDriveSerialNumberByFSO
    intDriveSerialNumber = intDriveSerialNumberByFSO
  strHexSerialNumber = "%08X"%intDriveSerialNumber
  strHexSerialNumber = strHexSerialNumber[:4]+"-"+strHexSerialNumber[4:]
  return strHexSerialNumber
#:def  strDriveHexSerialNumberFromFSOintRetVal(intDriveSerialNumberByFSO)

In your case


"Ivan Van Laningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi All--
> Tim's wmi stuff looked interesting, so I tried it out, and now I have a
> question.
> -----
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import wmi
> import win32api
> c=wmi.WMI()
> for i in c.Win32_CDROMDrive():
>     v=i.VolumeSerialNumber
>     print "WMI serial",v,long(v,0x10)
> vn,sn,ln,flg,fstype=win32api.GetVolumeInformation("d:\\")
> print "win32api serial",sn,long(sn)
> ----
> The output from the above script (drive d contains cd) is:
> WMI serial D0ADBEE7 3501047527
> win32api serial -793919769 -793919769
> What's the difference between the two serial numbers?  WMI is returning
> a long converted to a hex repr string, while win32api is returning an
> int (type(sn) is <type 'int'>), & converting to hex bears no resemblance
> to what WMI shows.  What am I missing?
> Metta,
> Ivan
> ----------------------------------------------
> Ivan Van Laningham
> God N Locomotive Works
> Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
> Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours


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