En Mon, 04 May 2009 04:19:21 -0300, Alex Jurkiewicz <a...@bluebottle.net.au> escribió:
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
Without more code, it's impossible to tell if there is anything peculiar in your usage of the lib. Maybe you close your connections to fast to see several open?

Here's the relevant stuff from my (python2.6) code:


def threadProcessRecipient():
    # Each thread has its own SMTP connection
    smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPSERVER)
# Each thread pulls a recipient entry from the queue to process and loops until the queue is empty.
        recipientData = recipientQueue.get_nowait()
    except Queue.Empty:
        recipientData = None
       while recipientData:
        message = prepareMessage()
        sendMail(senderEmail, recipientEmail, message, smtpserver)
            recipientData = recipientQueue.get_nowait()
        except Queue.Empty:
            recipientData = None

Try logging the start/stop of your threads. It may be that your threads stop before you think. The above code works correctly only if you fill the queue before starting any thread - because as soon as a thread sees the queue empty, it finishes. You could use the sample code in the Queue documentation at the end of http://docs.python.org/library/queue.html

Gabriel Genellina


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